Sure, firing a load of paintballs at your mates is all fun and games (especially when you can release that pent up anger over them never getting a round in at the pub) but wouldn't it better if you were peppering those wonderful, colourful shots onto the very faces of the villains you nominate?
Well, as it happens, we're looking to create some new paintball range targets and we need your help! We know there's nothing you'd love more than to shoot some paintballs at your favourite love-to-hate celebrity faces. Alright, maybe you'd prefer it if we strung up targets with your wonderful boss's face all over them, but this is the next best thing, right?
So, let us know your nomination for who you think should have the honour of being crowned the UK's biggest villain and having their face plastered on our latest paintball range targets.
Go on, do your thing...
Who's leading the poll so far?
Since the last count here's your current top 5: